Saturday 17 December 2011

刚刚从教堂回来,超累的 ._. 下午两三点可能跟表哥他们去 Tanjung Aru Resort 游泳。呵呵,在家太闷料kan :p 唉,他突然间对我超冷淡的。前几天我们吵架,还闹到差一点就要分手。WTF ! </3 我们的 9 months anniversary 要到了。9个月哦,久吧 xD 弟弟跟他的女友的两个月,刚刚过了。但是他们好像没有一回事将的。哈哈,可能是因为年纪太小吧 ?算了,管他的。反正他有女朋友都好像没有将的。没有用 x) 好啦,不说了。要去睡我的美人觉了。补充体力, 要照顾身体啊!不要把自己累坏了,要对自己好一点。嗯,拜拜咯 :DD

Tuesday 13 December 2011

今天超累的,昨天差不多5点凌晨才睡。then, 早上11点多给叫醒。要下亚庇买东西kan。买完东西后,回到家差不多6点傍晚。累._. 将还不用紧。过后听到弟弟讲妈咪不舒服,就上楼要看下妈咪怎样料。上到楼上看到她的时候,问她怎样料。她竟然一句话都没有答我。还翻眼给我。直接我没有mood  ! -.-'

Monday 12 December 2011

It's 4 am now. Amagawd I still not yet sleep eh. Colling with ma' boboy now. Almost 4 hours eh we colling. Ma' boboy's sound sho cute :D Later need to wake up early orh, but I still not yet sleepy eh. Haih ._.

那些年 ♥

我好想回到童年,尤其是六年级那一年。跟我那群疯狂的朋友在课室里喊来喊去,载歌载舞,有时候还会在颗室里面打羽毛球呢。还记得有一次,我们跟自己班的吵了起来。我还差一点要动手打人 :p 结果有人去跟老师讲,害到我们那一 geng 的给吊。还差一点弄到要去见训导主任和副校长。好才没有给记过。不然就真的 oh gui -.- 我们去年那一班真的很顽皮下的。骂老师,顶老师,什么都有。好的那个我们不学,坏的不用学就会料。几厉害一下的 :p 哈哈。说真的,我开始想念他们了。那一年的回忆。一定会是我最最最难忘的童年故事。:') ♥
Its 10.28pm now. I think i'm not going to sleep tonight. I'm not sleepy ._. But tomorrow I need to wake up early. Cuhs I need to buy my new pinafore, shoes and bla bla bla for next year. Grrrr :3 BORING :C </3
Actually today we're going out together. But my mom don't let. So terpaksa we find another tyme to go out. Sorry girls :( I REALLY MISS UE TWO ALOT. AND I REALLY WANNA MEET UE TWO ♥

Sunday 11 December 2011

Raining heavily now. amagawd :C starting to miss ue ♥ babyboy, ue out of credit right ? hmm, sho sad </3 why mamy don't give ue reload gehh ? ee, i wanna text with ue baaa. i miss your morning text and your night text sho damn badly. buhh, tonight i don't want to sleep eh. ngam'ngam raining lagi tuh, i want calling with my boboy :p hehe, justtt shooo BORED ♥ ALRIGHT, BUHBYE ;D

Saturday 10 December 2011

I miss you when something good happens, because your the one I want to share it with. I miss you when something is troubling me, because your the one that understands me so well. I miss you when I laugh and cry, because I know that you are the one that makes my laughter grow and my tears disappear. I miss you all the time, but I miss you the most when I lay awake at night, and think of all the wonderful times that we spent with each other for those were some of the best and most memorable times of my life </3